Pregnancy and parturition negatively impact vaginal angle and alters expression of vaginal MMP-9
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Nov 22, 2017
Oliphant S, et al. - In this work, researchers propose that pregnancy and delivery impact support to the vagina leading to loss of vaginal angle and vaginal angulation is restored postpartum. In addition, they propose that uncomplicated vaginal delivery (VD) is associated with accelerated remodeling of the vaginal fibrillar matrix. Findings reveal that loss of vaginal angulation occurs between trimesters and women do not recover their baseline resting angle postpartum. An increase in matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) activity postpartum is identified. Women experiencing uncomplicated VD display more postpartum MMP-9 activity and have more frequently recovered their vaginal angle.
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