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Pregnancies and obstetrical prognosis after oocyte donation in Turner Syndrome: A multicentric study

European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology May 18, 2019

Andre H, et al. - Researchers retrospective studied all the patients presenting with Turner syndrome included in an oocyte donation program at 10 of the 27 French oocyte donation centers between 2012 and 2016. They identified 151 embryo transfers in 73 patients, resulting in 39 pregnancies. Among these pregnancies, they reported healthy childbirth in 24, spontaneous miscarriages in 11, voluntary abortions 3, extra-uterine pregnancy in 1 and maternal death from a non-cardio-vascular origin in 1. Gravid arterial hypertension complicated pregnancies in 28.2 % of cases, preeclampsia in 10.3% of cases, and gestational diabetes in 7.7 % of cases. Obstetrical complications in this study were of the same magnitude that are described in the literature. Lead over a period of 4 years, in 10 French oocyte donation centers, there were no cardiovascular complications, conversely to other studies published before French and American recommendations. A utility of specific recommendations is reinforced for the care of these particular patients.
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