Preeclampsia and risk of end stage kidney disease: A Swedish nationwide cohort study
PLoS Medicine Aug 07, 2019
Khashan AS, Evans M, Kublickas M, et al. - Through data from the Swedish Medical Birth Register, women who had singleton live births in Sweden between 1982 and 2012, including those who had preeclampsia, were recognized by the researchers in order to investigate the correlation between preeclampsia and the risk of end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) in healthy women, while taking into account preexisting comorbidity and potential confounders. In Sweden between 1982 and 2012, the cohort had of 1,366,441 healthy women who had 2,665,320 singleton live births. Women’s mean age and BMI were 27.8 and 23.4, respectively, 15.2% were smokers, and 80.7% were native Swedish, in the first pregnancy. Among women with ESKD diagnosis, the overall median follow-up was 7.4 years and 16.4 years. A total of 67,273 women who had 74,648 singleton live births had preeclampsia, and 410 women developed ESKD with an incidence rate of 1.85 per 100,000 person-years, during the study term. A correlation between preeclampsia and ESKD in the unadjusted analysis was observed, which persisted in the widely adjusted models. In comparison with women with no preeclampsia, women who had preterm preeclampsia and women who had preeclampsia in 2 pregnancies had the maximum risk of ESKD. Acknowledging this was an observational cohort study, however several possible confounders were noted, residual confounding could not be discovered. Therefore, women with preeclampsia and no major comorbidities prior to their first pregnancy vs parous women with no preeclampsia were at a 5-fold increased risk of ESKD, although the absolute risk of ESKD among women with preeclampsia persisted to be small. Thus, for subsequent ESKD, preeclampsia should be acknowledged as a significant risk factor. Whether screening and/or preventive approaches would decrease the risk of ESKD in women with adverse pregnancy outcomes is worthy of additional investigation.
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