Predilution on-line hemodiafiltration improves albumin redox in maintenance hemodialysis patients
Blood Purification Apr 07, 2019
Shigematsu T, et al. - In this crossover study including 38 maintenance hemodialysis (HD) patients, researchers compared predilution on-line hemodiafiltration (pre-OL-HDF) to conventional hemodialysis (HD) using a super-flux dialyzer (CHD) in terms of dialysis efficiency, oxidative stress, and nutritional conditions. For the first 4 months, CHD was received by all patients (1st CHD period). Thereafter, these patients were switched to pre-OL-HDF for 4 months (pre-OL-HDF period). For the next 4 months following this, patients were returned to CHD (2nd CHD period). Compared with CHD, enhanced removal of middle molecule uremic toxins and better Alb redox were observed in patients who received treatment with pre-OL-HDF.
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