Predictors of short-term successful discontinuation of continuous renal replacement therapy: Results from a prospective multicentre study
BMC Nephrology Apr 20, 2019
Stads S, et al. - Among 92 patients in whom continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) was discontinued because renal recovery was expected and who were still in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at day 2 following CRRT cessation, researchers investigated renal and non-renal predictors of short-term successful discontinuation of CRRT. They defined successful discontinuation as alive and free from RRT at day 7 after stop CRRT. The factors that best predicted short-term successful discontinuation of CRRT were higher creatinine clearance or lower creatinine ratio, with a creatinine ratio of 1.41 (95% CI 1.27–1.59) as optimal cut-off. A practical bedside tool was proposed in this study that has utility for clinical decision making.
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