Predictors of nutritional and inflammation risk in hemodialysis patients
Clinical Nutrition Aug 11, 2019
Martins VS, Aguiar L, Dias C, et al. - Researchers conducted this cross-sectional analysis to identify malnutrition risk profile in a sample of Portuguese hemodialysis patients, as well as to determine the correlation of clinical and laboratory factors with malnutrition inflammation score (MIS), and the impact of each parameter on MIS. The study sample consisted of 2,975 patients. According to findings, higher age, diabetes, lower P levels, higher Ca levels, higher ERI, higher Kt/V and higher CRP were independently linked to a higher risk of MIS > 5. Higher nPNA and higher Pcreat were linked to a risk reduction of MIS > 5. It has been discovered that routine clinical and analytical parameters are associated with the MIS range which may imply a greater danger and may constitute a simple warning sign for further evaluation.
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