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Predictors of mortality in fibrosing pulmonary sarcoidosis

Respiratory Medicine May 14, 2020

Jeny F, Uzunhan Y, Lacroix M, et al. - Among 216 patients with confirmed stage 4 pulmonary sarcoidosis, researchers performed this retrospective analysis to determine the prognosis worth of a panel of parameters for predicting mortality in pulmonary fibrosing sarcoidosis. Stage 4 diagnosis date served as baseline. All cause mortality and lung transplantation was the primary outcome. Employing univariate and multivariate analyses, experts assessed value of baseline parameters as predictors of death. Geographic origin, lung fibrosis extent, PH at echography or MPAD (main pulmonary artery diameter)/BSA (body surface area) ratio as well as various scores were identified as the best predictors of survival. Very high predictive value was offered by the modified Walsh's algorithm thanks to MPAD/BSA ratio which accurately predicted mortality.

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