Predictors of length of stay and discharge disposition after shoulder arthroplasty: A systematic review
Journal of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons Jul 31, 2019
Berman J, et al. - Researchers recognized patient-specific covariates that correlated with increased length of stay (LOS) and the necessity for discharge to a facility. All studies (n = 22) regarding hemiarthroplasty, anatomic shoulder arthroplasty, and reverse shoulder arthroplasty were involved. Age > 65 years, female sex, obesity, and reverse shoulder arthroplasty were correlated with extended LOS and related to discharge to a facility. Greater hospital and surgeon volume were had a relationship with reduced LOS and diminished risk of discharge to a facility. Local injection of liposomal bupivacaine combined with intravenous dexamethasone was correlated with decreased LOS. Hence, age > 65 years, female sex, diabetes, obesity, and reverse shoulder arthroplasty were factors that affected LOS and the possibility of discharge to a facility. Moreover, these factors can be utilized in order to generate studies to preoperatively prognosticate outcomes following shoulder arthroplasty and to help recognize patients who may be at risk of prolonged postoperative admission.
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