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Predictors of discontinuation and hospitalization during long-acting injectable antipsychotic treatment in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorder

International Clinical Psychopharmacology Feb 03, 2021

Üçok A, Yağcioğlu EA, Aydin M, et al. - In patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorder who were treated with long-acting injectable (LAI) antipsychotics, researchers assessed discontinuation and hospitalization rates. Clinical data were recorded regarding the period prior to LAI treatment, when LAI treatment was initiated, and during the LAI treatment. They also analyzed variables related to early (< 8 weeks) and other LAI discontinuations and hospitalization. In logistic regression analysis, younger age, history of combined antipsychotic treatment, number of hospitalizations before LAI, use of LAI for less than 6 months and alcohol abuse under LAI treatment have been reported to be linked to hospitalization. The results indicated that among patients treated with LAI antipsychotics, discontinuation and hospitalization are still common. They included 452 patients, 14.4% of whom discontinued their LAI treatment prior to 8 weeks and 24.8% of whom stopped their LAI by themselves later. Rate of hospitalization was 36.1% in the group who discontinued LAI after 8 weeks. 

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