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Predictors of diagnostic stability in brief psychotic disorders: Findings from a 3‐year longitudinal study

Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica Sep 01, 2021

López-Díaz A, Ayesa-Arriola R, de la Foz VOG, et al. - Moderate-to-low temporal stability was recorded in cases with brief psychotic disorder (BPD) and a long-lasting psychotic disorder, mainly schizophrenia, will develop during follow-up in nearly two-thirds of first-episode psychosis (FEP) individuals experiencing BPD.

  • In a large epidemiological cohort (n = 569) of non-affective first-episode psychosis (FEP) patients enrolled in a 3-year longitudinal intervention program (PAFIP), DSM-IV criteria for BPD were met by 59 patients (10.4% of the whole cohort), of whom 40 completed the 3-year follow-up.

  • In the study sample, BPD had temporal stability as high as 40% (n = 16). 37% (n = 15) of patients transitioned from BPD to schizophrenia.

  • Following were significant independent predictors of BPD diagnostic stability over time: fewer hallucinations at baseline and better insight.

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