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Predictors of bone fractures in a single-centre cohort of hemodialysis patients: A 2-year follow-up study

International Urology and Nephrology Aug 22, 2018

Brunerova L, et al. - In a cohort of maintenance hemodialysis patients (59 patients [67.6 ± 13.1 years], 43 males) followed-up on for 2 years, researchers evaluated the frequency and predictors of low-trauma fractures. A total of 7 (11.9%) low-trauma fractures were observed. The factors that were found to be associated with low-trauma fractures in a group of hemodialysis patients from one centre included T-score in proximal femur, low vitamin D, low BMI, and high FRAX for major osteoporotic fracture, however, multi-variate analysis revealed only low BMI to be a significant predictor of fracture risk.
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