Predictors of 90-day restart of renal replacement therapy after discontinuation of continuous renal replacement therapy: A prospective multicenter study
Blood Purification Jul 25, 2019
Stads S, et al. - Whether the restart of renal replacement therapy (RRT) within 90 days after discontinuation of continuous RRT (CRRT) could be predicted by renal markers was investigated in this prospective multicenter study including 90 patients. The participants were alive and were still in the intensive care unit at day 2 following discontinuation of CRRT for expected recovery with urinary neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin available. In this study, the restart of RRT was best predicted by incremental creatinine ratio (day 2/0), with area under curve of 0.76 to discriminate for restart of RRT and optimal cutoff of 1.49. The probability of RRT requirement within 90 days was observed in patients with an incremental creatinine ratio at day 2 of 1.5 times creatinine at discontinuation. Nephrological follow-up might be beneficial for these patients.
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