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Predictors and reproducibility of exercise-induced bronchoconstriction in cold air

BMC Pulmonary Medicine May 23, 2019

Dreßler M, et al. - For the detection of exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB), whether a new, American Thoracic Society guidelines conform exercise challenge in a cold chamber (ECC) is feasible was determined in this study including 78 subjects (aged 6 to 40 years) with suspected EIB. According to the findings, a positive reaction in another ECC could be predicted by surrogate markers PD20FEV1 (the provocation dose resulting in a 20% reduction in the forced expiratory volume in 1 s) of methacholine and maximal decrease in forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) during ECC, whereas prediction was not possible with the maximal FEV1 decrease in an exercise challenge at an ambient temperature. Researchers concluded that it is possible to achieve a similar reproducibility with an ECC, as compared with previous studies.
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