Predictors and outcomes of patients switching from maintenance hemodialysis to peritoneal dialysis in Australia and New Zealand – Strengthening the argument for "Peritoneal Dialysis First" policy
Nephrology Oct 20, 2018
Nguyen A, et al. - Researchers assessed the incidence and reasons for transfer from maintenance hemodialysis to peritoneal dialysis, as well as the mortality of hemodialysis patients transferred to peritoneal dialysis vs those who initiated and remained on peritoneal dialysis. They analyzed a 1:2 matched cohort of ANZDATA that comprised patients dialyzing over 3 months. Patients were divided into 2 groups: Group A (hemodialysis to peritoneal dialysis) and group B (initiated and remained on peritoneal dialysis). These groups were matched to peritoneal dialysis group (Group C). Mortality was higher for hemodialysis patients transferred to peritoneal dialysis vs those who initiated on peritoneal dialysis. This supports the case for Peritoneal Dialysis First policy.
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