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Predictor factors for long-term outcomes stability of coronally advanced flap with or without connective tissue graft in the treatment of single maxillary gingival recessions: 9 years results of a randomized controlled clinical trial

Journal of Clinical Periodontology Sep 06, 2018

Rasperini G, et al. - Researchers evaluated the clinical outcomes 9 years following surgical treatment of single maxillary gingival recessions and identified predictors for long-term gingival margin stability. Over time, stability was demonstrated by both treatment modalities. A greater increase in keratinized tissue was provided by the additional use of connective tissue graft. Complete root coverage (CRC) and recession reduction were negatively affected by the presence of non-carious cervical lesions (NCCL). In cases with NCCL, an OR of 0.12 of not achieving CRC was seen vs the cases without NCCL.

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