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Predictive value of intracrystalline interphase point measured by optical low-coherence reflectometry for the estimation of the anatomical position of an intraocular lens after cataract surgery

Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery Aug 03, 2019

Castro-Alonso FJ, et al. - This single-center retrospective descriptive study was performed at Alcañiz Hospital, Teruel, Spain, to examine the predictive value of the intracrystalline interphase point (ICIP) measured with optical low-coherence reflectometry (OCLR) to estimate the final lens position (FLP) of an intraocular lens (IOL) following cataract surgery. Patients undergoing cataract surgery have been recruited in this analysis. The study sample consisted of 192 eyes of 174 patients (mean age: 76.4 years). Data reported that the mean absolute refractive prediction error was 0.25 D ± 0.21 (SD). After cataract surgery, the ICIP position measured with OCLR correlated with the FLP and can be used to optimize IOL power calculations.
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