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Predictive probability of the global alignment and proportion score for the development of mechanical failure following adult spinal deformity surgery in Asian patients

Spine Jan 06, 2021

Yagi M, Daimon K, Hosogane N, et al. - This research was attempted to confirm the predictive probability of the global alignment and proportion (GAP) score in an Asian adult spinal deformity surgery (ASD) patient cohort. Researchers conducted a multicenter retrospective review including a total of 257 surgically treated consecutive ASD patients who had a minimum of five fused segments, completed a 2-year follow-up (53 ± 19 yrs, females: 236 [92%]). This multicenter study demonstrated that the GAP score was not correlated with the incidence of MF or revision surgery in an Asian ASD patient cohort. Future trials on the predictive ability of the GAP score in different patient cohorts are needed.

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