Prediction of spontaneous lumbar curve correction after posterior spinal fusion for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis Lenke type 1 curves
Journal of Spinal Disorders & Techniques Mar 08, 2019
Uehara M, et al. - In this retrospective single-center and single-surgeon study, 37 individuals were analyzed to predict spontaneous lumbar curve correction following posterior spinal fusion for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) Lenke type 1 curves. Authors observed significant improvement in mean preoperative mean±SD thoracolumbar/lumbar (TL/L) Cobb angle from 31±9 to 13±8 degrees at the study endpoint. They noticed a strong correlation between the supine position with traction and TL/L curve correction rate at 2 years after surgery, with paired t-tests exhibiting a significant mean difference of 3.1 degrees. They implied the adequacy of TL/L curve correction estimation in declining radiation exposure and operative time.
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