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Prediction of risk of death for patients starting dialysis: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Aug 12, 2019

Anderson RT, Cleek H, Pajouhi AS, et al. - By analyzing 36 eligible studies identified from Ovid MEDLINE, Ovid Embase, Ovid Central Register of Controlled Trials, Ovid Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, and Scopus, researchers assessed prognostic indices with regard to their performance as a risk predictor for death at the start of dialysis in patients initiating dialysis, to facilitate bedside translation. Excluding studies restricted to prevalent dialysis patients, AKI and reports excluding death in the first 1–3 months, the studies reporting validated prognostic indices predicting death at the start of dialysis were included. Thirty-two prognostic indices were reported in the included studies. For The Obi, Ivory, and Charlson comorbidity index (CCI), the highest AUC (0.74) was demonstrated by meta-analysis by index. CCI was the most frequently used (ten studies). Kahn-Wright index (eight studies, AUC 0.68), Hemmelgarn modification of the CCI (six studies, AUC 0.66) and REIN index (five studies, AUC 0.69) were documented as other commonly used indices. Externally validated, internally validated, and preexisting validated indices were 10, 16, and 9, respectively, among the overall indices described. Overall, the availability of many well-validated indices with good discrimination for predicting survival at dialysis commencement is highlighted.
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