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Prediction of reproductive function recovery after microsurgical varicocelectomy in men from infertile couples: Clinical and laboratory predictors

Andrologia May 14, 2021

Shomarufov AB, Bozhedomov VA, Akilov FA, et al. - This study was conducted to evaluate predictors for fertility recovery after varicocelectomy in subfertile men. Researchers designed a retrospective study including a total of 93 men with clinical varicocele and pathozoospermia who had undergone microsurgical varicocelectomy. Stepwise discriminant analysis was performed to identify predictors of spontaneous pregnancy after surgery. It was shown that predictive ability, sensitivity, and specificity of the discriminant function were 84%, 87%, 76% respectively. After varicocelectomy, this algorithm can be recommended in decision‐making on natural conception or the ART protocol usage.

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