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Prediction of miscarriage in women with viable intrauterine pregnancy- A systematic review and diagnostic accuracy meta-analysis

European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology Evidence based | Nov 21, 2017

Pillai RN, et al. - This systematic review and meta-analysis was planned to assess the best combination of biochemical, ultrasound and demographic markers to predict miscarriage in women with viable intrauterine pregnancy. Researchers noticed that among the ultrasound scan markers, fetal bradycardia on hierarchical summary receiver operating characteristic demonstrated sensitivity of 68.41%, specificity of 97.84%, positive likelihood ratio of 31.73 (indicating a large effect on increasing the probability of predicting miscarriage) and negative likelihood ratio of 0.32. Fetal bradycardia demonstrated further increase in sensitivity (84.18%) for miscarriage prediction in studies for women with threatened miscarriage. Therefore, researchers recommend offering repeat ultrasound scan in a week to ten days interval in women with threatened miscarriage and presence of fetal bradycardia on ultrasound scan.
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