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Prediction of late displacement of the globe in orbital blowout fractures

Acta Ophthalmologica Aug 25, 2019

Ji Y, Zhou Y, Shen Q, et al. - Via retrospectively involving individuals, researchers established a linear measuring method in CT images to anticipate the displacement of the globe late after orbital blowout fracture. The criteria for inclusion were: adult patients (≥ 18 years old at the time of trauma); unilateral orbital medial-wall and/or floor fractures; CT examination at least 30 days after trauma. The criteria for exclusion were: facial or orbital fracture extending to other parts of the orbit than medial-wall and/or floor; a history of orbital or ocular abnormality other than the orbital trauma; severe ocular trauma accompanied by the orbital trauma; orbital fracture treated surgically before the CT examination. According to results, 99% of fracture sites of the medial wall and 100% of fracture sites of the floor were posterior to the centre of the unaffected globe. To identify the displacements of orbital walls and the displacement of the globe in orbital blowout fractures, a linear measuring method in a three-dimensional co-ordinate system was established. The regression formulae produced in this research could be used in clinical practice to anticipate late globe displacement by measuring orbital wall displacements.
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