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Prediction model of compensation for contralateral kidney after living-donor donation

BMC Nephrology Aug 01, 2019

Okumura K, Yamanaga S, Tanaka K, et al. - In this retrospective analysis of 133 living donors for renal transplantation, researchers sought to develop a tool to estimate the degree of compensation of the contralateral kidney following living-donor kidney donation. Significant association of age, female sex, history of hypertension, and ratio of the remnant kidney volume to body weight, with hypertrophy was revealed in the multivariate analysis. On the basis of these findings, a compensation prediction score (CPS) was constructed. The median (range) CPS was 8.7 (1.1–17.4). For predicting favorable compensation, a strong diagnostic accuracy was demonstrated by receiver operating characteristic analysis. With sensitivity and specificity of 92.0% and 89.5%, respectively, the optimal cut-off value of the CPS was 5.0. Findings are suggestive of the possible utility of CPS as a tool with which to predict a favorable compensation of the contralateral kidney and remnant kidney function. The possible necessity of careful management and follow-up was suggested if the CPS is low.
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