Prediction model for cardiovascular events or all-cause mortality in incident dialysis patients
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases Aug 28, 2019
Inaguma D, Morii D, Kabata D, et al. - In view of the observed association of some variables including age, comorbidity of diabetes, and so on at dialysis initiation with patient prognosis and the association of cardiovascular (CV) events with death in dialysis patients, researchers created models using some variables at dialysis initiation to predict the prognosis of these patients. From a multicenter prospective cohort study, they used database of 1,520 consecutive dialysis patients (median age, 70 years; 492 women [32.4%]). Death was reported for 392 patients; of these 152 were CV-related. As per the analysis, the new prediction model tool for the incidence of CV events or all-cause mortality after dialysis initiation seems to be valuable for the real-world clinical setting as only routinely obtained variables are required. The tool seems to have the potential for predicting the incidence of CV events and mortality for individual patients.
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