Predicting the success of vaginal birth after caesarean delivery: A retrospective cohort study in China
BMJ Open May 31, 2019
Li YX, et al. - Among women after a previous caesarean section (CS), researchers created a nomogram to predict the likelihood of vaginal birth after caesarean section (VBAC). The criteria for inclusion were as follows: pregnant women with singleton fetus, age ≥18 years, had a history of previous CS and were scheduled for trial of labour after caesarean delivery (TOLAC). Of the women planning for TOLAC, VBAC was 84.0%. Gestational age, history of vaginal delivery, estimated birth weight, body mass index, spontaneous onset of labour, cervix Bishop score and rupture of membranes have been independently linked to VBAC. According to this retrospective cohort study, TOLAC could be a potential strategy for lowering China's CS rate. A potential tool for VBAC counselling could be the validated nomogram to predict VBAC success.
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