Predicting the course of disease in recurrent vulvar cancer – A subset analysis of the AGO-CaRE-1 study
Gynecologic Oncology Oct 12, 2019
Woelber L, Eulenburg C, Kosse J, et al. - Researchers undertook a retrospective survey (the AGO CaRE-1 study) to report the localization of recurrence and the relation of different recurrence sites with disease course and survival in vulvar cancer (VSCC). Using a centralized database including patients (pts) with primary VSCC, FIGO stage ≥ 1B who were managed in Germany from 1998 to 2008, they performed this current investigation in 1,249 pts with surgical groin staging and established lymph-node status (35.8% N+). Disease recurrence was suffered by 360 pts (28.8%); thereof 193 (53.6%) at the vulva only, with a cumulative incidence of 12.6% following 2 years. The recurrence site was a highly determinative factor for the prognosis post-recurrence. An impaired prognosis was reported for pts with isolated vulvar recurrence since second recurrences were developed by many affected pts.
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