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Predicting patient reported outcome in total knee arthroplasty using body mass index and limb measurements

The Knee Jul 19, 2018

Brown MJC, et al. - Authors gauged the association between weight, body mass index (BMI), limb morphology, and Oxford Knee Score (OKS). They also assessed the utility of a novel radiological measurement, the Knee Mass Index (KMI). They collected the data including weight, BMI, gender, preoperative and 12-month OKS from an arthroplasty database that contained 268 patients who underwent TKA. In predicting function, the novel KMI metric was not useful. BMI and pre-operative OKS predicted the post-operative OKS and change in OKS. To demonstrate the relationship between BMI and OKS, this is one of the first studies.
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