Predicting meniscal tear stability across knee-joint flexion using finite-element analysis
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy Aug 15, 2018
Kedgley AE, et al. - In three tear locations in weight-bearing conditions, experts evaluated the stress distribution through longitudinal and radial meniscal tears and sought to use it to ascertain the effect of tear location and type on the potential healing of meniscal tears. The stresses on the tear surfaces under weight bearing were influenced by both the type of meniscal tear and its location within the meniscus. They noted an agreement of the results with the clinical observations. The reasons for the inverse association between longitudinal tear length and healing, the inferior healing ability of medial vs lateral menisci, and the superior healing ability of radial tears in the posterior segment of the lateral meniscus vs other radial tears were suggested by the results. Findings suggested a possibly crucial role of the meniscal tear location along with type in dictating the success of non-operative treatment of the menisci. They suggested a probable use of it in the decision making regarding conservative or surgical management.
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