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Predicting hazardous drinking in late adolescence/young adulthood from early and excessive adolescent drinking - A longitudinal cross-national study of Norwegian and Australian adolescents

BMC Public Health Jun 26, 2019

Enstad F, et al. - Using prospective, cross-national data, researchers studied the association of early onset of drinking (EOD) and early onset of excessive drinking (EOE) with hazardous drinking in late adolescence/young adulthood. This investigation drew on data from two population-based longitudinal studies: the Norwegian Tracking Opportunities and Problems Study (n=329) and the Australian International Youth Development Study (n=786). In all, hazardous drinking was reported in Norway and Australia in 46.8% and 38.9% of young adults, respectively. According to findings, in late adolescence/young adulthood, even when controlling for a variety of covariates, adolescent drinking behavior is an indicator of alcohol-related issues. This finding contrasts with prior studies involving older adults, where there was no connection when controlling for covariates between adolescent drinking and later alcohol-related issues. The divergence in findings may suggest that EOD/EOE's impact is restricted to the late adolescent and young adult periods. Preventing drinking in early adolescence can, therefore, have some effect on late adolescence/young adulthood drinking patterns.

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