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Predialysis fluid overload and gait speed: A repeated measures analysis among patients on chronic dialysis

Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Jan 07, 2020

Carlos C, et al. - Given that slow gait speed was correlated with hospitalization and death, experts aspired to explore if predialysis fluid overload contributes to gait speed impairment. Among 298 individuals recruited in the A Cohort Study to Investigate the Value of Exercise in ESRD/Analyses Designed to Investigate the Paradox of Obesity and Survival in ESRD, they measured predialysis gait speed at baseline and 12 and 24 months. The authors discovered that the mean baseline gait speed was 1.01 m/s and it declined by an average of 0.08 m/s/year. Slower gait speed was associated with older age, nonwhite race, Hispanic ethnicity, diabetes, recent fall, recent hospitalization, tobacco use, and lower serum albumin. Findings suggested an association of each liter of predialysis fluid overload with a 0.02 m/s slower gait speed and 0.05 m/s additional slowing per year. Predialysis fluid overload has been linked to slower gait speed and gait speed decline over time. Interventions limiting fluid overload can lead to improvements in physical performance.
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