Preconception folate status and reproductive outcomes among a prospective cohort of folate-replete women
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Apr 17, 2019
DeVilbiss EA, et al. - Researchers investigated how preconceptional biomarkers of maternal folate status (folate and homocysteine) are associated with reproductive outcomes in folate-replete women. From the Effects of Aspirin in Gestation and Reproduction trial, a block-randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial randomizing women to receive folic acid (400 μg/day) daily in addition to low-dose aspirin (81 mg/day) or placebo, they recruited 1228 women with 1–2 previous pregnancy losses and no documented infertility in addition to attempting pregnancy for up to 6 menstrual cycles from 4 clinical sites in the United States (2006–2012). As per outcomes, only women with 2 previous losses had nonlinear association of greater plasma homocysteine with greater risks of pregnancy loss: a relative risk of 1.43 was found for plasma homocysteine concentrations at the study median of 8.0 μmol/L compared with a US population median of 6.0 μmol/L. Serum folate had no meaningful relationships with any reproductive outcome; further plasma homocysteine showed no correlation with anovulation or becoming pregnant.
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