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Preconception blood pressure and time to pregnancy among couples attempting to conceive their first pregnancy

American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Jun 03, 2019

Hong X, et al. - Researchers examined how abnormal preconception blood pressure level is related to time to pregnancy among couples attempting to conceive their first pregnancy. In the National Free Pre-conception Check-up Projects, participants comprised a total of 2,234,350 eligible couples (with no prior gravidity and whose female partners were aged between 20 and 49 years). Analysis revealed prolonged time to pregnancy in correlation to abnormal preconception blood pressure levels among couples attempting to conceive their first pregnancy. Females with hypertension (systolic blood pressure≥140 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure≥90 mmHg) displayed a 21% lower pregnancy rate that normotensive females. Males displayed similar finding.
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