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Pre-pregnancy body mass index and breastfeeding initiation, early cessation and longevity: Evidence from the first wave of the UK Millennium Cohort Study

Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health Sep 14, 2018

Campbell T, et al. - Researchers assessed how pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI) relates to breastfeeding initiation, early cessation and longevity by analyzing 17,113 mothers from the UK Millennium Cohort Study with pre-pregnancy BMI information. In addition, they explored in the potential moderation by mothers’ ethnic group. Findings revealed big differences in breastfeeding early cessation and longevity by pre-pregnancy BMI group, after adjusting for confounders. There were negligible differences in tendency to initiation. Overweight and obese mothers who have begun breastfeeding are at higher risk for cessation in the first week and show lower tendency to continue past 4 months. Insufficient evidence was gained in relation to moderation by ethnicity.

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