Pre-labour screening for intrapartum fetal compromise in low risk pregnancies at term: Cerebroplacental ratio and placental growth factor
Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology Dec 15, 2017
Bligh MLN, et al. - Researchers in this pilot, proof of principle study described the screening performance of a low fetal cerebroplacental ratio (a marker of fetal adaptation to suboptimal growth) and maternal placental growth factor levels, respectively, both in isolation and in combination, for the detection of cesarean section for intrapartum fetal compromise and serious composite neonatal outcome. A significant improvement in the overall predictive utility for cesarean section for intrapartum fetal compromise and adverse neonatal outcome was observed with the cerebroplacental ratio and maternal placental growth factor. However, given the lack of significant difference between the combined model and its individual components, the superiority of combined model as a screening test was debatable.
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