Pre- and postdialysis uric acid difference and risk of long-term all-cause and cardiovascular mortalities in Japanese hemodialysis patients; Miyazaki Dialysis Cohort Study
Blood Purification Apr 06, 2019
Toida T, et al. - In this cohort study, researchers assessed mortality in relation to pre- and postdialysis uric acid (UA) difference (UAD) in 1,073 patients receiving maintenance hemodialysis (HD). Participants were followed up for 5 years. Based on baseline UAD, quartile categories of patients were formed. The link between UAD categories and all-cause and cardiovascular (CV) mortalities was examined while adjusting for potential confounders in Cox’s regression analyses. In the analysis for all-cause mortality, the lowest UAD group (< 4.7 mg/dL) had significantly higher hazard ratios vs the highest UAD group (> 6.2 mg/dL). Findings revealed no correlation with CV mortality. For controlling UA in HD patients, the most appropriate reference may be UAD.
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