Practice patterns in transitioning patients from chronic kidney disease to dialysis: A survey of United States nephrologists
BMC Nephrology Jun 27, 2018
Mallappallil MC, et al. - Whether there are uniform patterns in how nephrologists transition patients to dialysis, was investigated via a survey of United States nephrologists. The focus was on factors that were important for transitioning a patient to hemodialysis. They found that furosemide was prescribed by 74% and furosemide with metolazone by 67% before dialysis. Patients were continuously being prescribed diuretics daily by only 46% of the responders, once dialysis started. Medications were routinely changed by 68% once dialysis started. Most nephrologists would prescribe small dialyzers and a shorter period of time for the first dialysis session. Overall, variations in practice patterns were seen during the transition period to chronic hemodialysis.
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