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Povidone-iodine 1% is the most effective vaginal antiseptic for preventing post-cesarean endometritis: A systematic review and network metaanalysis

American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology May 03, 2019

Roeckner JT, et al. - Researchers systematically reviewed the literature in order to determine and summarize indirectly the relative efficacy of antiseptic formulations and their concentrations that are employed for preparing vagina before cesarean delivery in the prevention of endometritis and other infectious complications. Twenty-three relevant studies comprising 7097 women were identified. The women were allocated to the following treatments for the prevention of endometritis: povidone-iodine (1%, 5%, 10%), chlorhexidine (0.2%, 0.4%), metronidazole gel, cetrimide, or normal saline solution/no treatment. Outcomes revealed the highest probability of reducing the risk of endometritis, postoperative wound infections, and fever when presurgical vaginal irrigation is done with povidone-iodine among patients who underwent cesarean delivery.
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