Potential risk factors for dental caries in Type 2 diabetic patients
International Journal of Dental Hygiene Dec 08, 2018
Almusawi MA, et al. - Authors evaluated the role of potential risk factors such as blood glucose, salivary glucose and glycaemic control in the occurrence of dental caries in type 2 diabetes (T2D). They conducted a cross-sectional study on 100 T2D patients from Saudi Arabia. Findings suggested high risk of dental caries in type 2 diabetes patients, which is directly associated with FBG, HbA1c and salivary glucose. Dental caries and its risk factors in T2D patients from Saudi Arabia was measured for the first time in this study. Dental caries (84%), exposed root surfaces (92%) and heavy plaque (73%) were seen in the majority of the patients, whereas 66% of patients suffered from xerostomia.
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