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Postpartum psychiatric disorders and subsequent live birth: A population-based cohort study in Denmark

Human Reproduction Apr 07, 2020

X Liu, et al. - Researchers examined if likelihood to have a subsequent live birth reduces in women with a history of first-onset postpartum psychiatric disorders after their first liveborn delivery. In this population-based cohort study of 414, 571 women who had their first live birth during 1997–2015, follow up was performed of the women for a maximum of 19.5 years from the date of the first liveborn delivery until the next conception resulting in a live birth, emigration, death, their 45th birthday or 30 June 2016, whichever occurred first. Development of postpartum psychiatric disorders was reported in 4,327 (1.0%) women after their first liveborn delivery. Among women with vs those without, postpartum psychiatric disorders, the probability of having a subsequent live birth was 69.1% vs 82.3%, respectively. This work is identified to be the first investigating subsequent live birth after postpartum psychiatric disorders in a large representative population. Observations revealed a significant impact of postpartum psychiatric disorders on subsequent live birth, as women experiencing these disorders exhibited a reduced likelihood of having more children. However, the severity of the disorders and the survival status of the first-born child both influenced the variations in subsequent live birth rate, suggesting that both personal choices and reduced fertility may have a role in the decreased subsequent live birth rate among women with postpartum psychiatric disorders.

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