Postpartum diabetes screening among low income women with gestational diabetes in Missouri 2010–2015
BMC Public Health Feb 08, 2019
Herrick CJ, et al. - Researchers evaluated postpartum diabetes screening rates in a retrospective population of 1,078 women with gestational diabetes who delivered between 1/1/2010 and 10/8/2015 in Missouri. The participants were identified by linking electronic health record data from 21 Missouri Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) with Medicaid administrative claims. Participants had median age 28 (Interquartile range 24–33) years, with over-representation of black non-Hispanic and urban women. Within 12 weeks and 1 year of delivery, screening rates for diabetes were estimated. A recommended diabetes screening test was performed in 9.7% of women within 12 weeks of delivery. Within 1 year of delivery, 18.9% were screened. Beyond 1 year postpartum, recommended screening was received by an additional 125 women for the first time. Compared with the proportion of women with recommended screening tests, a far greater percentage of women had a postpartum visit (83.9%) and any glucose testing (40.6%) in the first year. Findings revealed that although screening rates were higher than reported with claims data alone, adherence to screening guidelines can still be improved in this population.
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