Postoperative reoperations and complications in 32,307 ankle fractures with and without concurrent ankle arthroscopic procedures in a 5-year period based on a large US healthcare database
The Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery Sep 24, 2018
Yasui Y, et al. - Authors gauged the reoperation and complication rates following operative reduction and internal fixation of ankle fractures with vs without concurrent ankle arthroscopic procedures (CAAPs). Researchers identified 32,307 patients who underwent ankle fracture fixation (248 received CAAP and 32,059 did not) via the PearlDiver database from January 2007 to December 2011. Complication rates were 2.4% for wound dehiscence, 0.4% for wound surgery, 0.8% for deep vein thrombosis, and 0.4% for pulmonary embolism in the non-CAAP group. In the CAAP group, no complications were reported. The postoperative reoperation rate did not increase with ankle fracture fixation with CAAPs vs with ankle fracture fixation without CAAPs.
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