Postoperative pain management with oral methylprednisolone in symptomatic patients with a pulpal diagnosis of necrosis: A prospective randomized, double-blind study
Journal of Endodontics Aug 24, 2018
Fuller M, et al. - In this prospective randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, researchers evaluated postoperative pain by using an oral dose regimen of methylprednisolone in symptomatic patients with pulpal necrosis and symptomatic apical periodontitis, a periapical radiolucency, and experiencing preoperative moderate to severe pain. Participants included 125 adult symptomatic patients presenting for emergency endodontic treatment with a pulpal diagnosis of necrosis and symptomatic apical periodontitis, a periapical radiolucency, and experiencing moderate to severe pain. The patients underwent complete endodontic debridement and received either an oral regimen of methylprednisolone (96 mg immediately after treatment followed by 48 mg each day for 5 consecutive days) or a lactose placebo. Outcomes suggest no superiority of the current regimen of oral methylprednisolone vs placebo in reducing postoperative pain after complete debridement among these symptomatic patients.
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