Postoperative complications in combined gynecologic, plastic, and breast surgery: An analysis from National Surgical Quality Improvement Program
The Breast Journal Jul 14, 2019
Tevis SE, et al. - Researchers examined outcomes of patients undergoing single vs multi-site surgery in a large national surgical database in order to assess how the addition of a gynecologic and/or plastic reconstructive procedure to breast surgery influence the risk of postoperative complications and re-admissions. Using the National Surgery Quality Improvement Program database, they identified 77,030 patients who had a solitary or combined breast surgical procedure and a second cohort of 124 patients who underwent gynecologic surgery. The analysis revealed a significantly longer length of stay, higher complication, readmission, and reoperation rates among patients undergoing coordinated procedures vs those who underwent single site surgery. In addition, greater postoperative complications were reported among patients with surgery for breast cancer, either with a plastic or gynecologic procedure. Delays in adjuvant therapy may occur in correlation to higher complication rates for those with coordinated operationsHence recommendations for discussions regarding the indications for simultaneous surgery are made.
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