Postoperative bladder filling after outpatient laparoscopic hysterectomy and time to discharge: A randomized controlled trial
Obstetrics and Gynecology Apr 28, 2019
Chao L, et al. - Via this single-blind, randomized, controlled trial performed among women undergoing an outpatient laparoscopic hysterectomy, researchers investigated if time to discharge could be reduced with backfilling the bladder postoperatively in these patients. They performed a random assignment of patients to a backfill-assisted void trial or a trial of spontaneous voiding. They screened 202 women; of these, 162 women were randomized, and results for 153 women were analyzed. They recognized bladder filling before removing the Foley catheter as a simple procedure that led to a reduction in time to first spontaneous void, but not in time to discharge in these patients.
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