Postoperative alpha angle not associated with patient-centered midterm outcomes following hip arthroscopy for FAI
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy Apr 17, 2018
Briggs KK, et al. - In view of the hypothesis that patient-reported outcomes would not be influenced by postoperative alpha angle in patients with FAI, researchers sought to determine whether patient-reported outcomes 5 years following hip arthroscopy for femoroacetabular impingement(FAI) were associated with the postoperative alpha angle. Authors did not note any statistically significant differences between the investigated patient-reported outcome scores at 5 years postoperatively in relation to a correction of the alpha angle to 55°. Alpha angle was noted as an excellent preoperative diagnostic tool, nonetheless, the postoperative angle did not correlate with midterm outcomes or the development of osteoarthritis based on patient symptoms. As per data, the amount of osteoplasty ought to be based on the dynamic examination at arthroscopy and not by alpha angle.
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