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Posterior hip precautions do not impact early recovery in total hip arthroplasty: A multicenter, randomized, controlled study

Journal of Arthroplasty Apr 14, 2019

Dietz MJ, et al. - Researchers randomized 159 subjects to standard hip precautions (SHP) and 154 participants to no hip precautions (NHP) between 2016 and 2017 to study the impact of the absence of hip precautions on early recovery following total hip arthroplasty through the posterolateral approach. At 2 weeks, they found that the NHP group had a lower HOOS Jr score when compared with the SHP group. When compared to preoperative assessments, no difference in outcome scores was reported at any other time points. Two recorded dislocations (1.3%) in the SHP group and 1 in the NHP group (0.7%) were also noted.
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