Post-transplant natural antibodies associate with kidney allograft injury and reduced long-term survival
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Apr 11, 2018
See SB, et al. - Researchers determined the link between natural antibodies (Nabs) and graft outcomes in a retrospective cohort of 635 patients who received a kidney transplant between 2005 and 2010 at Necker Hospital in Paris, France. Nabs were detected by ELISA through reactivity to the generic oxidized epitope malondialdehyde. In Univariate Cox regression analysis, the development of post-transplant Nabs (defined as 50% increase in reactivity to malondialdehyde) was found to be a significant risk factor for graft loss. Overall, Nabs were associated with kidney graft injury, and eventual graft failure. This finding suggests the implication of Nabs in immune mechanisms of rejection.
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