Post-operative opioid consumption following total hip arthroplasty: A comparison of three surgical approaches
Journal of Arthroplasty Jul 02, 2019
Seah S, et al. - Through a retrospective cohort study of 560 patients (335 females, 225 males), the experts assessed postoperative pain and succeeding opioid intake between surgical approaches (anterior - AA, lateral - LA and posterior - PA) in those undergoing primary elective total hip arthroplasty (THA, it has the potential to affect the immediate post-operative recovery). There were 179, 178, 203 patients in AA, LA and PA cohorts, respectively. In the early post-operative period, the direct anterior approach was correlated with lower daily opioid practice and pain scores following elective THA. Hence, a potential 21% decline in daily opioid dosage was recognized in comparison to LA patients with an 18.7% decrease in PA patients.
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