Possible beneficial association between renin-angiotensin-aldosterone-system blockade usage and graft prognosis in allograft IgA nephropathy: A retrospective cohort study
BMC Nephrology Sep 20, 2019
Park S, Baek CH, Go H, et al. - Researchers investigated antihypertensive medication prescriptions among patients who were recently diagnosed with immunoglobulin A nephropathy (IgAN). In addition, they ascertained the association between the medication types, albuminuria changes, and risk of 5-year death-censored-graft-failure (DCGF). They evaluated 464 allograft IgAN patients: 272, 38, 33, and 121 patients in the no antihypertensive medication, single-agent renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system blockade (RAASB), single-agent beta-blocker (BB)/calcium channel blocker (CCB), and combination therapy groups, respectively. After 6 months of allograft IgAN diagnosis, albuminuria in high-degree was identified as an important prognostic parameter and a partial mediator for the association between the subgroups and 5-year DCGF. Decrement of albuminuria from allograft IgAN diagnosis was observed in correlation with the usage of single RAASB. The single BB/CCB group vs the single RAASB group exhibited significantly worse prognosis. These findings suggest a possible benefit of RAASB for graft prognosis in early allograft IgAN patients who require single antihypertensive medication therapy; by means of reducing albuminuria, it seems to produce this effect.
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