Poor patient awareness and frequent misdiagnosis of migraine: Findings from a large transcontinental cohort
European Journal of Neurology Jan 29, 2020
Viana M, Khaliq F, Zecca C, et al. - In a large international population of migraineurs, researchers conducted this multicentre study to evaluate the awareness of migraine and previous diagnostic and therapeutic consultations and treatments. This investigation was carried out in 12 headache centres in seven countries. Up to 100 patients were recruited for a first visit and diagnosed with migraine by each centre. In total, the analysis was completed by 1,161 patients. Data reported that 28% of candidates were aware that they suffered from migraine and 64% called their migraine ‘headache'; less commonly they used terms such as ‘cervical pain' (4%), tension headache (3%) and sinusitis (1%). It was noted that 50% of patients had undergone x-ray, CT and/or MRI of the cervical spine and 76% had a brain and/or cervical spine imaging for migraine before partaking in the investigation. The authors discovered that 28% of individuals had received symptomatic migraine-specific medications and 29% at least one migraine preventive medication. While migraine is a very common disease, in several countries, poor knowledge of it among patients and doctors is still a concern. It emphasizes the significance of fostering migraine awareness to lessen its burden and minimize direct and indirect costs, as well as the risk of exposure to unnecessary testing.
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